The company has a strong reputation for being a results driven planning consultancy. Over the past decade it has developed an outstanding track-record for tackling difficult and complex planning problems using practical yet imaginative approaches.
Our chartered consultants provide the highest quality of professional advice and our team is able to respond rapidly to meet our client’s requirements.
Our town planning consultancy services include:
- Land portfolio reviews and site appraisals to determine planning potential
- Planning, demolition and listed building consents
- Strategic planning and land promotion
- Planning, compulsory purchase and enforcement appeals
- Retrospective planning applications
- Public consultation, stakeholder and community engagement
- Retail impact assessments
- Urban regeneration
- Exceptions and sequential testing
- Expert witness at Public Inquiry
- Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment/Sustainability Appraisal
- Plan making including assisting communities to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan
- Development economics
- Socio-economic assessment
- Minerals and waste planning
- Minerals resource assessment
- Heritage assessments
- General Permitted Development Order advice in respect of permitted development
- Development team assembly and project management
- Contributions negotiations and advice in respect of legal agreements
- Development Consent Orders
- Townscape assessments including Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Utilities and infrastructure delivery
- Energy planning
The company has a strong reputation for being a results driven planning consultancy. Over the past decade it has developed an outstanding track-record for tackling difficult and complex planning problems using practical yet imaginative approaches.
Our chartered consultants provide the highest quality of professional advice and our team is able to respond rapidly to meet our client’s requirements.
Our town planning consultancy services include:
- Land portfolio reviews and site appraisals to determine planning potential
- Planning, demolition and listed building consents
- Strategic planning and land promotion
- Planning, compulsory purchase and enforcement appeals
- Retrospective planning applications
- Public consultation, stakeholder and community engagement
- Retail impact assessments
- Urban regeneration
- Exceptions and sequential testing
- Expert witness at Public Inquiry
- Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment/Sustainability Appraisal
- Plan making including assisting communities to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan
- Development economics
- Socio-economic assessment
- Minerals and waste planning
- Minerals resource assessment
- Heritage assessments
- General Permitted Development Order advice in respect of permitted development
- Development team assembly and project management
- Contributions negotiations and advice in respect of legal agreements
- Development Consent Orders
- Townscape assessments including Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Utilities and infrastructure delivery
- Energy planning