Mousehold Lane Care Scheme, Norwich

Lanpro successfully secured full planning permission for a 79- bed residential care home and 42 supported living units on a vacant brownfield site in north-east Norwich.

The proposal to construct a residential care home and supported living units (C2 Residential Institution) on the former Startrite shoe factory was contrary to the adopted development plan which allocated the 0.87 hectare site for C3 dwelling houses.

Lanpro were successful in a departure from the allocation after arguing that material considerations in this particular case indicated that the plan should not be followed. This involved undertaking detailed negotiation with the planning authority to convince officers that the scheme did not amount to over development of the site and would be satisfactory in terms of the amenity of residents and neighbours.

The application received support from local residents, local councillors and statutory consultees and was approved under the delegated authority of officers. The proposal was fully supported by Norfolk County Council Social Services and will deliver a high-quality facility specialising in palliative and dementia care whilst the living units will provide accommodation for adults with learning disabilities and a long-term care requirement.

The proposal to construct a residential care home and supported living units (C2 Residential Institution) on the former Startrite shoe factory was contrary to the adopted development plan which allocated the 0.87 hectare site for C3 dwelling houses.

Lanpro were successful in a departure from the allocation after arguing that material considerations in this particular case indicated that the plan should not be followed. This involved undertaking detailed negotiation with the planning authority to convince officers that the scheme did not amount to over development of the site and would be satisfactory in terms of the amenity of residents and neighbours.

The application received support from local residents, local councillors and statutory consultees and was approved under the delegated authority of officers. The proposal was fully supported by Norfolk County Council Social Services and will deliver a high-quality facility specialising in palliative and dementia care whilst the living units will provide accommodation for adults with learning disabilities and a long-term care requirement.

Project: Mousehold Lane Care Scheme, Norwich
Client Name: Boudica Development
Council Name: Norwich City Council
Planning + Development
t: 01603 631319
t: 0131 600 0319
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