Sustainability & Community
The term ‘sustainability’ is one that has evolved over the years and will differ between every person. For Lanpro, the word sustainability is used to act as reminder of the responsibilities we all need to consider for our ideas and actions. This applies to every aspect of life; from ecology, society, health & wellbeing, and the economy to name a few. It is also important that these aspects are considered at all scales from the individual, to local community and globally.
Therefore, we believe sustainable ideas are ones that consider things holistically and strikes a balance between all facets of life, providing solutions with the best intentions for all.
We have developed a Sustainability and Community Strategy initiated and led by Thomas, that aims to provide a guide to how we as a company can positively impact the lives of our staff, clients, the local community and the environment in which we all work, live and play. The strategy is an evolving document which enables us to adapt and change as our relationship with sustainability and community evolves. Staff have contributed to the development of the ‘ethos’ and ideas within the document to promote ownership and investment of the initiative throughout the business.
Below are just some of the initiatives that we are proud to be involved with and look forward to building upon.
- Providing technical advice for not-for-profit organisations such as the Eastern Community Homes Hub who focus on supporting community led projects.
- Sponsoring charity events such as Break’s art trails (Cows about Cambridge and GoGoDiscover T.Rex Norwich)
- Supporting and volunteering locally for campaigns such as ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ and the Norwich Tree Planting scheme.
- Promoting health & wellbeing within the office through offering benefits aided by initiatives such as ‘Pushing Ahead Norfolk’ that encourage more active ways to travel to work.
- Implementing an Environmental Management System certified by ISO 14001 : 2015