Weymed, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

Lanpro’s Planning team negotiated a complex and challenging planning application to secure consent for Essex Nursing Homes Ltd via a S73 planning application to deliver 14 new dwellings located within the town centre of Bury St Edmunds.

Planning permission was approved in 2013 for the redevelopment of the site for 15 residential units, however a s73 application was required to amend the approved plans to avoid alterations to the route of a private right of way, reduce the number of dwellings and changes to the internal layout of the extant consent.

Key issues included the site’s sensitive location in a conservation area and proximity to listed buildings. The previously agreed s106 package also remained given the original consent had commenced and the site benefits from an extant consent the fall back in this case was a material consideration.

Lanpro’s Planning team negotiated a complex and challenging planning application to secure consent for Essex Nursing Homes Ltd via a S73 planning application to deliver 14 new dwellings located within the town centre of Bury St Edmunds.

Planning permission was approved in 2013 for the redevelopment of the site for 15 residential units, however a s73 application was required to amend the approved plans to avoid alterations to the route of a private right of way, reduce the number of dwellings and changes to the internal layout of the extant consent.

Key issues included the site’s sensitive location in a conservation area and proximity to listed buildings. The previously agreed s106 package also remained given the original consent had commenced and the site benefits from an extant consent the fall back in this case was a material consideration.

Project: Weymed, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Client Name: Essex Nursing Homes Limited
Council Name: West Suffolk District Council
Planning + Development
t: 01603 631319
t: 0131 600 0319
t: 020 3011 0820
t: 0161 7111740
t: 01223 776740