Extended Construction Site Working Hours

Government has issued a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) setting out their support for extending on site construction hours.

Robert Jenrick Secretary of State at Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, issued a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) today. The WMS set out the Governments support for extending on site construction hours up to 9pm (Monday to Saturday) in urban areas and in some cases, such as in areas without residential properties, extending working hours beyond this, including allowing 24 hour working where appropriate.

The aim of this extension of working hours is to allow developers to catch up on delays caused by Covid 19 restrictions and to enable shifts to be staggered; which would aid the implementation of safer working practices and reduce pressure on public transport. 

Most developments are restricted in their working practices by virtue of a condition, or an approved document, which dictates the construction management arrangements. To formally vary this with the Local Planning Authority will require the submission of a planning application to amend these conditions/approved documents. The WMS advises that developers should consider impacts on residential properties or other sensitive neighbours and provide detail in planning applications of how they will work to mitigate impacts.

The WMS also advises:

Applications should only be refused where there are very compelling reasons such as significant impact on neighbouring businesses or uses which are particularly sensitive to noise, dust or vibration, which cannot be overcome through other mitigation, or where impacts on densely populated areas would be unreasonable.

The WMS directs that the Council should aim to turnaround decisions within 10 working days.

Do not hesitate to get in contact with the Lanpro team to discuss whether it would be appropriate to apply to the Local Planning Authority for permission to extend working hours on your site and what details would be required to support that application. 

The WMS can be viewed on the link below:


A Government Q&A on the WMS can be found on the link below:


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