Leading Ladies in Construction

Our very own Margherita Cesca Nelder-Haynes organised an initiative specifically aiming to support Females in the Construction Industry on Tuesday, 27th September 2022 in our Cambridge office.

The event aimed to identify barriers and challenges in the construction industry for different genders, providing thoughts and initiatives to influence overcoming these challenges but also to to give an open space to collaborate, network and engage together.

From our conversations, we came up with six key points people can use to be allies:

1. Ask a question
A simple question like “can you repeat that?” can be enough to remind someone that their comment was unacceptable.

2. Challenge it
Calling out unacceptable behaviour in a way that’s acceptable in the situation.

3. Take on the jobs
Men can actively take on jobs that would stereotypically be directed to women.

4. Inviting us in
Ensuring that women aren’t excluded from conversations/meetings/questions and not spoken over.

5. Mentor/Look out for us
Being open to taking on our views.

6. Be prepared
Not allowing situations to occur by anticipating and acting.

Thank you to our own Margherita Cesca Nelder for organising and to Jessica Tayenjam from CURUFC for leading the workshop.

Also, a big thank you to everyone that attended or donated, we look forward to seeing you all at the next one.

The event aimed to identify barriers and challenges in the construction industry for different genders, providing thoughts and initiatives to influence overcoming these challenges but also to to give an open space to collaborate, network and engage together.

From our conversations, we came up with six key points people can use to be allies:

1. Ask a question
A simple question like “can you repeat that?” can be enough to remind someone that their comment was unacceptable.

2. Challenge it
Calling out unacceptable behaviour in a way that’s acceptable in the situation.

3. Take on the jobs
Men can actively take on jobs that would stereotypically be directed to women.

4. Inviting us in
Ensuring that women aren’t excluded from conversations/meetings/questions and not spoken over.

5. Mentor/Look out for us
Being open to taking on our views.

6. Be prepared
Not allowing situations to occur by anticipating and acting.

Thank you to our own Margherita Cesca Nelder for organising and to Jessica Tayenjam from CURUFC for leading the workshop.

Also, a big thank you to everyone that attended or donated, we look forward to seeing you all at the next one.

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