Reserved Matters approval for 30 dwellings at Little Melton
The Lanpro and Proworks team have successfully obtained Reserved Matters of approval for 30 dwellings at Little Melton in South Norfolk;
Working closely with the planning officer to ensure a timely determination through delegated authority on behalf of our client. The landscape led scheme focuses on the provision and integration of the landscaping elements, both formal and informal, to offer significant ecological and biodiversity enhancements to the site and surrounding area. The site’s layout was developed to ensure that the landscape and built form integrate with one another, with dwellings forming positive relationships with the landscaped open spaces; offering active street frontage and passive surveillance to the development. Proworks’ bespoke house type designs take references from the character and style of the site’s rural village location, providing a contemporary interpretation of ‘the barn’, through the form, materiality and high quality design detailing. The approved scheme presents a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bed dwellings on the site, which include bungalows and affordable housing in response to the Local Authority’s housing need assessment.
Proworks provided the architectural and landscape design consultancy on the project, alongside Lanpro as planning consultant and client agent.
The Reserved Matters approval follows Lanpro’s previous success of securing the development and delivery of the site at appeal, where Lanpro argued that the Greater Norwich Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2017 (which shows the Council to be able to demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing within the Norwich Policy Area) can be afforded only “limited weight” in the determination process, having not been subject to Examination in Public. The Inspector agreed that the Council’s inability to demonstrate a 5 year supply against their adopted Local Plan requirement, triggering the presumption in favour of sustainable development which is set out in both Local and National Planning Policy. The Inspector concluded that the development would be of social and economic benefit and that any harm would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh these benefits.
This success demonstrates even in the current environment, that through collaboration and engagement with the planning authority, positive outcomes can be achieved.
If you have a similar project and require planning, architectural or landscape consultancy please contact us on either 01603 631319 or alternatively email
Working closely with the planning officer to ensure a timely determination through delegated authority on behalf of our client. The landscape led scheme focuses on the provision and integration of the landscaping elements, both formal and informal, to offer significant ecological and biodiversity enhancements to the site and surrounding area. The site’s layout was developed to ensure that the landscape and built form integrate with one another, with dwellings forming positive relationships with the landscaped open spaces; offering active street frontage and passive surveillance to the development. Proworks’ bespoke house type designs take references from the character and style of the site’s rural village location, providing a contemporary interpretation of ‘the barn’, through the form, materiality and high quality design detailing. The approved scheme presents a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bed dwellings on the site, which include bungalows and affordable housing in response to the Local Authority’s housing need assessment.
Proworks provided the architectural and landscape design consultancy on the project, alongside Lanpro as planning consultant and client agent.
The Reserved Matters approval follows Lanpro’s previous success of securing the development and delivery of the site at appeal, where Lanpro argued that the Greater Norwich Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2017 (which shows the Council to be able to demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing within the Norwich Policy Area) can be afforded only “limited weight” in the determination process, having not been subject to Examination in Public. The Inspector agreed that the Council’s inability to demonstrate a 5 year supply against their adopted Local Plan requirement, triggering the presumption in favour of sustainable development which is set out in both Local and National Planning Policy. The Inspector concluded that the development would be of social and economic benefit and that any harm would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh these benefits.
This success demonstrates even in the current environment, that through collaboration and engagement with the planning authority, positive outcomes can be achieved.
If you have a similar project and require planning, architectural or landscape consultancy please contact us on either 01603 631319 or alternatively email