Local Plan Monitor – February

Welcome to the second edition of our Local Plan Monitor. We trust you will find this information helpful as you go about your business for the month ahead.

South Cambridgeshire District Council is currently running a Call for Sites Consultation in preparation for a new Joint Greater Cambridge Local Plan. This consultation seeks potential sites or broad locations for future development within the District. The consultation runs between 11 February and 25 March 2019. The authorities are also running a consultation on the NE Cambridge Area Action Plan: Issues and Options over the same timeframe.


Breckland District Council are currently running a consultation on the main modifications to their emerging Local Plan. This follows the Inspector’s request that the modifications are required in order for the document to be found ‘sound’. Consultation on the proposed modifications runs from 18 February until 5pm, Monday 1 April 2019. Provided the Inspector is satisfied, the Inspectors Report is expected late Spring, with adoption early Summer 2019.

Norwich City

Following consultation on an Affordable Housing SPD in January/February of this year, Norwich City Council have now published their Committee Report in respect of the document. Overall, there appears to be little change to the definition of affordable housing as set out in the SPD, which is contrary to that in the NPPF and which was the subject of representations to the document made by Lanpro on behalf of a number of clients. If approved at Committee on 27 February, it will then go to Cabinet on 13 March 2019.

Broads Authority

The Broads Authority are currently running a consultation on the main modifications to their emerging Local Plan. The consultation on these modifications runs until 4pm on 15 March 2019.

King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council will shortly be commencing consultation on their Local Plan Review 2019. The Local Plan will combine the current Core Strategy with the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan, running to a 2036 end date. The consultation also includes a Call for Sites exercise. The consultation runs from 4 March until 15 April 2019.

Central Government Publications and Updates

National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019 Revision)

The Government has published an updated version of the NPPF following the consultation undertaken in October 2018 regarding the proposed clarifications to national planning policy on matters relating to housing land supply; the definition of what constitutes “deliverable” development and appropriate assessment for habitats sites (SPA/SAC).

In summary, the main changes are as follows:

  • Amended Footnote 37 – new text is provided to clarify, that where housing need is used as the basis for assessing a five-year supply, it should be calculated using the standard methodology as set out in National Planning Practice Guidance.
  • Paragraph 177 – now states that the presumption in favour of sustainable development does not apply where the plan or project is likely to have a significant effect on a habitats site, unless an Appropriate Assessment has concluded that there will not be an adverse effect.
  • Annex 2 – changes are made in respect of the definitions of ‘local housing need’ and ‘deliverable’.

All other elements of the NPPF remain as per the July 2018 version. The latest NPPF revision can be viewed online at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework–2

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Housing Delivery Test: 2018

After a three-month delay in its publication, the Housing Delivery Test was published by the Government on 19 February 2019. The document seeks to resolve the issue of what buffer to use when calculating a 5-year housing supply. Overall, the document concludes that there is anticipated to be a shortfall in housing delivery nationally as sought by the Government, within the mid-2020s timeframe. In the Norfolk region, it appears that all authorities pass the delivery test.

Live Consultations





Stage Deadline
North Hertfordshire Main Modifications 4 March 2019 – 23:59
Thurrock Issues and Options Stage 2 8 March 2019 – 17:00
Ipswich Preferred Options (Reg 18) 13 March 2019 – 23:45
Broads Authority Main Modifications 15 March 2019 – 16:00
Gt Yarmouth Draft Hall Quay Planning Brief 17 March 2019 – 23:59
Brentwood Draft Local Plan (Submission) (Reg 19) 19 March 2019 – 17:00
Greater Cambridge


(Cambridge City + South Cambs)

Call for Sites – Joint Greater Cambridge Local Plan


NE Cambridge Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

25 March 2019 – 17:00
Breckland Main Modifications 1 April 2019 – 17:00
Southend-on-Sea Issues & Option Document (Reg 18) 2 April 2019 – 17:00

Upcoming Consultations





Stage Expected Dates
King’s Lynn/West Norfolk Call for Sites 4 March – 15 April 2019
Harlow Examination Hearings 26 March – 4 April 2019
North Norfolk Draft Local Plan (Emerging proposals) (Reg 18) March 2019
Central Bedfordshire Examination Hearings Spring 2019
Gt Yarmouth Draft Local Plan Part 2 (Reg 19) Summer 2019
Watford First Draft Local Plan (Reg 18) Summer 2019



In Other News – Appeals and Applications

Blofield Heath, Greater Norwich

Lanpro has secured planning permission on appeal, along with a full costs award, for 8 dwellings in Blofield Heath, Greater Norwich. The application was refused by Broadland District Council on the basis of alleged harm to the landscape character and appearance of the area, which the Council considered to outweigh the benefits of delivering new housing in that location.

Lanpro successfully argued on behalf of PPAP Investments that the Greater Norwich Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2017 (which shows the Council to be able to demonstrate a 5-year supply of housing within the Norwich Policy Area) can be afforded only “limited weight” in the application determination process, having not been subject to Examination in Public. The Inspector agreed with this. He also agreed with our arguments, that there would only be limited harm in terms of effects on the character and appearance of the area and concluded that the harm would not significantly outweigh the social and economic benefits of the development.

The Inspector awarded full costs to PPAP Investments against the Council, due to a committee resolution to support the application in January 2018, but then subsequently refused by committee in March 2018. This was considered by the Inspector to be unreasonable behaviour by the Council.

Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth

Lanpro have secured planning permission for a new two-storey Science block building, including 12 new laboratories and four classrooms, as well as associated re-surfacing and landscaping and the creation of new multi-use games area at the Great Yarmouth Charter Academy.

We managed the planning process, working closely with the client and lead Architect. Lanpro resolved a number of matters with Sport England in order to secure a resolution for approval.

Further Information

For more information, please do get in contact. Within the East of England, we also monitor Council’s 5-year Housing Land Supply Position, and the progression of Neighbourhood Plans.


Planning Team

Email: planningteam@lanproservices.co.uk

Tel: 01603 631 319

t: 01603 631319
t: 0131 600 0319
t: 020 3011 0820
t: 0161 7111740
t: 01223 776740