Following public examination hearings held throughout May and June 2019, a consultation on Main Modifications to the Bedford Local Plan is now open. The deadline for representations and comments on this consultation is 5pm on 1 October. The appointed planning inspector has furthermore proposed an additional hearing session on Tuesday 22 October in direct relation to issues regarding MM26 – Land north of Beverly Crescent, Bedford.
Following Full Council consideration and approval on 16 July 2019, a consultation on Main Modifications is now open on Chelmsford’s Local Plan. This consultation was opened on 1 August, and representation and comments can be made until 4:45pm on 19 September.
Epping Forest
Following the recent hearing sessions of the Examination of the Epping Forest Local Plan, the Inspector has now issued her Interim Findings and has concluded that Main Modification are necessary for the plan to be considered “sound”. Although no date has been explicitly given for this stage of consultation, Epping Forest District Council has made good progress in its preparations, and as such it can be assumed that the main modifications consultation stage will take place towards the end of the year 2019.
St Albans
Having previously been scheduled for October 2019, the planning inspector examining the St Albans Local Plan has now provisionally set dates for hearing sessions in the weeks commencing 20 January and 3 February 2020.
The new Watford Local Plan will guide new development to 2036 and has been in drafting since Autumn 2018. The next stage of consultation is the First Draft Local Plan consultation, which is to be held from 27 September until 8 November 2019.
Great Yarmouth
Following amendments made to the Regulation 18 draft local plan by the Policy and Resource Committee on 23 July 2019 – primarily due to the addition of new sites – Great Yarmouth Borough Council have now opened their Draft Local Plan (Part 2) for consultation. This consultation covers their development management policies and site specific allocations, and will be open for representations and public comments until midnight on 6 October.
Suffolk Coastal
Hearing sessions as part of the examination of Suffolk Coastal’s Local Plan have now opened. Week 1 hearing were held 20-22 August. Further hearing dates are scheduled on weeks commencing 2, 9 and 16 September.
Live Local Plan Consultations
Local Plan Upcoming Consultations
Other Lanpro News
Stanfield Innovation Centre Instruction
Lanpro have recently been instructed by J.G. Goff Limited to provide masterplanning, planning and landscape services for of a new innovation centre in Hethel, Norfolk. The site will host brand-new research space with associated workshops and offices.
Mousehold Lane, Norwich
Lanpro has secured full planning permission on behalf of Boudica Developments for a 79-bed residential care home for the elderly and 42 supported living units for adults with learning disabilities. The former Startrite shoe factory site on Mousehold Lane, Norwich has been vacant for over 10 years. Lanpro helped guide the project team through the planning process to a successful outcome. This involved presenting a case and undertaking detailed negotiation with the planning authority to convince officers that the scheme was a satisfactory alternative to the Local Plan allocation, did not amount to over development of the site and would be satisfactory in terms of the amenity of future residents and neighbours.
Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP)
Whilst the GNLP appears to be scheduled for further Regulation 18 consultation in September 2019, anticipated Council Committee papers relating to the consultation were not published over the summer. Lanpro will be attending further forums in September to understand the likely consultation programme and we will update our client in due course.
Further Information
For more information, please do get in contact. Within the East of England, we also monitor Council’s 5-year Housing Land Supply Position, and the progress of Neighbourhood Plans.